La Ferme de la Mer 

 La Ferme de la Mer 

 La Ferme de la Mer 










La Ferme de la Mer tm

European Marketplace ("The Farm by the Sea" tm)

La Ferme de la Mer tm

European Marketplace ("The Farm by the Sea" tm)

La Cigalle

(Art # MAT 053-0-0-14-) La Cigalle, the cicada is an age-old sign of hospitality throughout the Provence.  Resplendent with rural Mediterranean farms, deep cool valleys, long views of vineyards and the Alpes Maritimes, la Cigalle sings its omnipresent song throughout the long, hot days and nights beginning in the Spring and continuing until Fall.  In the Provence, la Cigalle is heard everywhere.  From the tall field grasses and wildflowers to the verdant cypress trees, locals and visitors alike are surprised and lulled by the rhythmic hum of their music.  The French, with their infinite enjoyment of life, take this ubiquitous and criticized occurrence as a symbol of their natural environment. La Cigalle is the adored symbol of the good life in the South of France.


As if the sights and sounds of this cricket like creature weren’t enough of an inspiration, local potters in the Provençe have created small wall vases that reflect this much loved creature.  When filled with lavender la Cigalle brings good luck to a home.


Taking our inspiration for la Cigalle from an antique original, we replicate the individual beauty of this colorful creature.  No two are alike in nature – as are ours.  Hang this small wall pocket on the kitchen or a garden wall and fill it with fresh cut lavender, as the French do, for good luck and inspiration. La Cigalle makes an ideal house-warming gift.